Young Leader Scholarship Program

YLSP students for 2024

Cynthia Padgett
Colorado State University

Dennis Wollin
Southern Illinois University – Carbondale

Katelyn King
Purdue University

Lauren Zaabel
Iowa State University

Grace Walenta
Kansas State University

Sydney Masserant
Michigan State University

Hannah Williams
University of Nebraska

Regan Jones
North Dakota State University

John Kohler
Ohio State University

Dellana Muck
South Dakota State University

Jacob Roden
University of Wisconsin

Please contact Program Coordinator Michelle Kilper at [email protected] if you have any questions about the program or require more information.

The MACA Young Leader Scholarship Program (YLSP) is designed to expose future agriculturalists to the crop protection industry and future career opportunities. Recipients will benefit from exposure and networking with MACA members for potential job opportunities as well as financial compensation. MACA members benefit by developing a talent pool of future industry leaders and through the heightened awareness of MACA within the participating universities.



Candidates will be top-potential college students with an educational focus on agriculture. Candidates must be enrolled at one of the Land-Grant Universities and have secured a summer internship within agriculture, preferably within the crop protection industry. Additionally, the selected recipient is expected to attend the MACA Annual Meeting,
September 2-4, 2025 in location TBD to participate and network with MACA members and to develop a deeper understanding of the crop protection industry.

Specific Requirements

  • Must plan to have completed at least 60 credit hours by December 2024 with an educational focus on agriculture.
  • Must plan to have a summer internship (2025) within agriculture, preferably within the crop protection industry.

Selection Process

MACA will notify the universities via email announcing the program and explaining the goals. Then a MACA representative will follow-up with each school for help identifying candidates, encouraging participation and to raise awareness for the program. Once the applications are submitted to MACA, the Education committee will review the applications and select one recipient for a $2,000 scholarship to be awarded to each student via the university. (MACA will work with the universities to ensure the funding is provided to the student’s account.) The decisions by MACA are final. Previous winners are not eligible. Winners will be notified in February 2025.

Participating Universities

  • Colorado State University
  • Iowa State University
  • Kansas State University
  • Michigan State University
  • North Dakota State University
  • Purdue University
  • South Dakota State University
  • Southern Illinois University – Carbondale
  • The Ohio State University
  • University of Illinois
  • University of Minnesota
  • University of Missouri-Columbia
  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • University of Wisconsin

If your university does not appear on this list, please contact Michelle Kilper at [email protected] to be added.


Scholarship Application

  • Brief description stating what and where your summer internship will be and what are the main responsibilities. If summer internship isn’t secured by November 19th, information about which internships have been applied for with details and anticipated acceptance date.
  • Application Letter/Essay – 500 words or less stating why they believe they are worthy of this opportunity
  • Resume
  • “Unofficial” Transcript

General Program Requirements

  • GPA – Must have a 3.0 minimum cumulative GPA while enrolled in college.
  • Supply a completed application, and upload your resume and unofficial transcript by noon on November 19, 2024 to MACA.
  • MACA Annual Meeting – Scholarship recipient MUST be available to attend the MACA Annual Meeting, September 2-4, 2025 in location TBD (travel and lodging expenses reimbursed by MACA.)
  • Attend online presentations from MACA members to learn about MACA and for career and professional development. One virtual presentation per month from March – August.
    Presentations – Give two presentations on campus to be completed once you have attended the MACA Annual Meeting and before January 1, 2026. PowerPoint presentations, video clips, and handouts will be provided to you for the presentations. These presentations are meant to get more exposure for MACA, the Young Leaders Scholarship Program, and the overall Agricultural Industry


  • $2,000 cash scholarship to be provided to the respective University for the scholarship recipient selected;
  • Travel stipend to attend MACA Annual Meeting;
  • Opportunity to be on YLSP panel at the MACA Annual Meeting; and
  • Participate in program and networking with MACA members at Annual Meeting; and
  • Have MACA member mentors/hosts.
  • MUST attend MACA Annual Meeting on September 2-4, 2025 in location TBD. (MACA will pay for all expenses related to attending the meeting.)


  • November 19, 2024 – nominations from universities due to MACA office at [email protected].
  • Mid-February – MACA committee to select recipients.
  • Early March – Notify Universities of the recipients selected for scholarship and work with university officials to notify the recipients.
  • April – August – Online meetings learning about MACA and career and professional development.
  • Mid-April – Issue news release announcing scholarship recipients.
  • July – Contact recipients regarding MACA Annual Meeting to coordinate travel plans and meeting details.
  • MACA Annual Meeting,  September 2-4, 2025 in location TBD – Attendance is required. (MACA will pay for all expenses related to attending the meeting.)

Complete the application below