

As a provider of agricultural products, this business and its employees promote environmental stewardship to ensure a safe and abundant food supply by:

  1. Providing professionally trained personnel to make appropriate recommendations on crop protection products to meet producers’ needs.
  2. Communicating in a professional manner realistic expectations for all recommended cultural and crop protection practices.
  3. Recommending integrated pest management [IPM] methods that insure profitability and environmental stewardship. These programs will integrate cultural, chemical, mechanical and biological tools to protect the crop and assure that the least risk most beneficial decisions are being made.
  4. Having the skills and knowledge to determine the environmental effects of crop protection tools to ensure the highest possible control of the targeted pests under prevailing conditions.
  5. Recommending a plan that follows directions on crop protection product labels, including observing sound environmental stewardship practices.
  6. Recommending the use of supplemental mechanical practices when necessary (ie rotary hoe, drag and/or cultivation) to assist the crop protection products, consistent with proper soil conservation practices.
  7. Evaluating the crop and pests prior to application and using crop protection products only as needed and at the label rates.
  8. Offering alternative recommendations, when applicable, if crop protection products do not provide acceptable control within the appropriate time period.
  9. Supporting education and certification through training and professional improvement programs such as the Certified Crop Advisor [CCA] program.
  10. Using the proper safety equipment as required by Worker Protection Standards [WPS]. Also, recommending the proper safety equipment to customers who are making their own crop protection product applications.