
Educational Information Available

To request copies of the following materials, please send an email to [email protected]

Acronyms – List of frequently used acronyms used will help understand the issues, entities, departments used when discussing crop protection industry issues.

Ambassador Speakers Program – Trained people participate in this grassroots communications program. Their goal is to talk with American consumers to build confidence and assurance in the U.S. food and agriculture system. If you need a speaker or would like to become an Ambassador, please contact Michelle Kilper at 314-849-9446 or 800-625-2767.
Need help preparing for a presentation? Click here for information.

Amazing Agriculture– video shows how food is produced and how the resources agriculture uses, are managed.  A short video that BASF has produced that is designed to be a provocative and insightful,  highlighting the many amazing things this industry has and will continue to achieve over the next few decades.  Check it out.

Crop Protection Research Institute – check out the videos presented by CPRI Director Leonard Gianessi on the benefits of insecticide and the sustainability of potato production now and in future years. Other CPRI downloads, articles and posters are available also.

Fun Facts – interesting facts about agriculture that you can use to help tell the story of agriculture.

Mini-Bulk Containers – Check out the many resources available.

Pesticide Guy is a blog by Leonard Gianessi of CropLife Foundation that shows pest damage and provides information regarding the worldwide benefits of using pesticides in crop production.

Pesticide Training/Info. – Pesticide training dates and other information by respective state.

Teacher Resources – Educational materials about crop chemicals and plant development.

The Guide to Seed Treatment Stewardship – CropLife America and the American Seed Trade Association collaborated to produce up-to-date guidelines for managing treated seed effectively.


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